Frozen Hell No! 10K - 2025

$15 - $25
Sun Jan 12

Frozen Hell No! 10K

Sunday, January 12, 2025, 9 am CDT

The Everest of the Ergon Metron, this event will test you to the core of your being. Not for those with soft hands or soft hearts. Legs of steel and the heart of a lion are required, along with an unabashed delight in suffering. Can you go to your pain cave and pitch a tent? We shall see.

The third stage race of the Ergon Metron Series Cup, the Frozen Hell No! 10K can be entered as a solo event or as part of the series.

• Results reported to Concept2 Rankings.


Entry Fee Options:

  • Full Entry $25 – All race merch and media
  • Speed Pass Entry $15 – Race access only

Entry fees are the same for US and International racers and include shipping and handling.

Frozen Hell No! 10K Prizes!!

Full-entry racers will receive:

  • 2" UV-protected vinyl Frozen Hell No! 10K race decal
  • Certificate of completion
  • A social media share image of their accomplishment

Speed Pass Racers will get access to the race but no merch or media.

Racer Shipping Address

Fools Fest Sprints can't send your official race decal, medals, or other prizes without your mailing address. Let us know where to send your race merch. Thanks, and good luck! Click this link to enter your shipping address:

Rules & Info

Start time is 9 am CDT for all live racers

RACERS IN OTHER TIME ZONES may compete independently at their local time on Sunday, January 12, 2025, at 9 am, but MUST manually submit their results on ErgZone within 24 hours of completing the event at their local time.

COMPETING ON AN OLDER MODEL ERG? You can still compete if your erg doesn't have a PM5 monitor. You won't be able to connect to live racing on ErgZone, but once you manually submit your score on the ErgZone app, it will count in our official results and rankings.

Anyone competing in the Ergon Metron Series Cup MUST race on the scheduled race day of the event and at its scheduled start time (virtually or offline) to remain in contention for the EM Series Cup Championship. If you miss the official start time, you can still submit your 1K score on ErgZone until 30 days post-event to earn your Ergon Metron Master Cap, but you will be out of contention for the overall Championship title.


Race Divisions and Classifications:

Rankings will be determined by age, weight class, gender, and para-athlete classifications. All results will be reported to Concept2 online rankings.

Age Categories

  • xSGGM = Super Great Grand Master > 70
  • GGM = Great Grand Master > 60
  • GM = Grand Master – 50-60
  • M = Master – 27-49
  • O = Open – 20-26
  • JR = Junior – 0-19

Weight Categories

  • Lightweight Women: <= 135lbs (61.5kg)
  • Heavyweight Women: > 135 lbs (61.6kg)
  • Lightweight Men <= 165lbs (75kg)
  • Heavyweight Men > 165lbs (75kg)

Adaptive Categories

  • PR1
  • PR2
  • PR3

Check out the Ergon Metron Series Cup Standings and see who is currently in the lead and what the fastest times are.

Refunds & Scratches

There will be no refunds. Please know this upfront. We count on your entry fee to support this event and all its associated costs.

  • We offer a 30-day race score submission window for the Ergon Metron Series Cup so you can earn your cap whether you miss the race day start or not.


By registering for the Ergon Metron or any other Fools Fest Sprints event, I declare that I am physically able to compete and in no way hold Fools Fest Sprints, ErgZone, or any of their partners or sponsors liable for any injury or health issue I may sustain by participating. I'm entering at my own risk!