Labor of Love - Labor Day Challenge



Do Work - Labor Day Erg Challenge

Monday, Sept 4, 2023, 9 am CDT

Where is your sweet spot? Do you have monster starts? Are you a master of the middle? A negative splitting wizard? Or is consistency from start to finish your secret? Show us what you've got! Prizes will be awarded to all registered racers who win their category. $25 gets you in the game. You labor for that which you love, and you love that for which you labor. Let's do work!

Rules & Info

We’ve got 2 ways to race!

1. Participate Virtually via ErgZone

To compete LIVE against other racers, you will need to use the ErgZone mobile app. This requires three things:

  • PM5 Monitor (with updated firmware)

  • Wifi Connection

  • C2 Logbook Account

The ErgZone mobile app and C2 logbook account are free. The only thing you pay to compete in one of our races is your entry.

2. Participate Independently Offline & Manually enter your score on ErgZone with a screenshot.

If your erg doesn’t have a PM5 monitor:

 - Set up your monitor manually by programming in the race piece on race day and do the event at its scheduled time. 
 - Take a screenshot of your race screen at the finish.
 - Enter your race results into the free ErgZone app, including the screenshot of your monitor as soon as you finish.

RACERS IN OTHER TIME ZONES may compete at their local time on Monday, September 4, and manually submit their scores on the ErgZone app. Those in time zones ahead of the official start time in Chicago will have to wait until we compete and the race unlocks to submit manually. All manual submissions must be entered within 24 hrs of the official start time to be counted in the rankings.

Fools Fest Sprints Medals & Prizes!

Racer Shipping Address

Fools Fest Sprints can't send your official race decal, medals, or other prizes without your mailing address. Let us know where to send your race merch. Thanks, and good luck! Click this link to enter your shipping address:

Race Divisions and Classifications:

Rankings will be determined by age, weight class, gender, and para-athlete classifications. All results will be reported to Concept2 online rankings.

Age Categories

  • xSGGM = Super Great Grand Master > 70
  • GGM = Great Grand Master > 60
  • GM = Grand Master – 50-60
  • M = Master – 27-49
  • O = Open – 20-26
  • JR = Junior – 0-19

Weight Categories

  • Lightweight Women: <= 135lbs (61.5kg)
  • Heavyweight Women: > 135 lbs (61.6kg)
  • Lightweight Men <= 165lbs (75kg)
  • Heavyweight Men > 165lbs (75kg)

Adaptive Categories

  • PR1
  • PR2
  • PR3

Refunds & Scratches

There will be no refunds. Please know this upfront. We count on your entry fee to support this event and all its associated costs.


By registering for the Ergon Metron or any other Fools Fest Sprints event, I declare that I am physically able to compete and in no way hold Fools Fest Sprints, ErgZone, or any of their partners or sponsors liable for any injury or health issue I may sustain by participating. I'm entering at my own risk!
