Crazy In Love Erg Marathon


Crazy In Love Erg Marathon

Sunday, Feb 11, 2024, 8 am CST

You have to be Crazy In Love to erg 42,195 meters! For those who want to test the depth of their devotion to indoor rowing, we’ve got a virtual event for you! Row 42,195 meters (a marathon) in 24 hrs.



Do it virtually online in one sitting with the maniacs on the ErgZone app. Those competing live via ErgZone will have their results ranked on Concept2.

Set it up independently offline, take rest breaks as needed, and email us your results.

Racers competing independently offline must submit a screenshot(s) of their monitor with a total of 42,195m rowed on 2-11-24 as proof of completion to:

Make sure the date on your monitor is correct! We will only be accepting results from monitor screens dated 2-11-2024.

The time stamp on your email will determine your Love Rating Score. (For example, we start at 8 am, and you finish at 11 am, that’s 3 hours. You are one SERIOUS rower.) If you have multiple screenshots, send them all in one email when you have completed the marathon.

If you decide, “THAT’S ENOUGH!” and break up with your erg, send us the screenshot(s) of how far you made it. You still get your can coolie, AND you’ll get a Dear John letter as well!

The official start time of this marathon is 8 am CST for all racers, online and off.

Love Rating Categories:

2.45 hrs or less = OBSESSED 3 hrs = SERIOUS 4 hrs = WILD 5 hrs = FLIRTING 6 hrs = CRUSH 7 hrs = FRIENDS 8-24 hrs = BLAH

Crazy In Love Erg Marathon Prizes!!

  • Every racer will receive a Crazy In Love collapsible neoprene can coolie.
  • Every racer will receive an official Crazy In Love UV-protected race decal.
  • Every racer will also receive either a statement of devotion if they finish the marathon or a Dear John letter if they break up with their erg before completion.
  • Every racer will receive a social media share image with their category lit up on the erg love testing machine.
Racer Shipping Address

Fools Fest Sprints can't send your official race decal, certificate, or other prizes without your mailing address. Let us know where to send your race merch. Thanks, and good luck! Click this link to enter your shipping address:

Rules & Info

The official start time of this event is 8 am CST for all live racers!
  • RACERS IN OTHER TIME ZONES may compete at their local time on Sunday, February 11 at 8 am CST, but they MUST submit their results immediately after completing the event at their local time.

  • COMPETING ON AN OLDER MODEL ERG? If your erg doesn't have a PM5 monitor, you can still compete. You will not be able to participate in live racing, but your score will count in the official results and rankings. Just enter your race time manually on the ErgZone app with a screenshot of your monitor so we can verify your event.

  • Manual Submissions must be entered on Sunday, February 11, and have the correct time per your location (8 am CST in Chicago is 2 pm in London) to be counted in the official rankings and be posted on our website.

  • Make sure the date on your monitor is correct! We will only be accepting manual results from monitor screens dated 2-11-2024.

Refunds & Scratches

There will be no refunds. Please know this upfront. We count on your entry fee to support this event and all its associated costs.


By registering for the Ergon Metron or any other Fools Fest Sprints event, I declare that I am physically able to compete and in no way hold Fools Fest Sprints, ErgZone, or any of their partners or sponsors liable for any injury or health issue I may sustain by participating. I'm entering at my own risk!