ErgZone - Row, Ski, Bike, Run
Erg Series
Erg Power Series
Registration is closed!
Athlete rules
Appropriate weight division must be selected at the point of registration
Events are released Saturday 12:00 (noon) CET (06:00 ET) with a score deadline of Friday 18:00 CET (12:00 ET)
Any damper setting can be used. Damper setting cannot be changed during the workout.
No slides, no seat belt.
Athletes can have multiple attempts at each workout
You must use PM5 monitor to participate.
This is a clean competition. We expect all competitors to respect this.
Weight divisions
Open weight
Lightweight ≤75 kg
Open weight
Lightweight ≤61 kg
Age categories
Open (any age can participate in the open events, if they decide so)
Masters (40–55)
Veterans (56+)
Proof of performance may be required for prize eligibility (photo and/or video). Proof of weight may be required for lightweight category.