Erg Endurance Series

Sat Mar 22

Improve your endurance on the erg.

  • 22 March - 18 April 2025.

Sessions will last between 20–60 minutes. Expect improvement on long sessions such as 10K or 30 minutes.


  • Appropriate weight division must be selected at the point of registration.
  • Events are released Saturday 12:00 (noon) CET (06:00 ET) with a score deadline of Friday 18:00 CET (12:00 ET).
  • Any damper setting can be used. It cannot be changed during the workout.
  • No slides and no seatbelts allowed.
  • Athletes can have multiple attempts at each workout.
  • If you do not have access to PM5 monitor (preferred), we will approve your manual score submission. Deadline for these cases is Thursday 18:00 CET - by email to
  • This is a clean competition; we expect all participants to respect this. Fair play.

CATEGORIES Weight divisions MALE

  • Open weight
  • Lightweight ≤75 kg FEMALE
  • Open weight
  • Lightweight ≤61 kg

Age categories

  • Open (any age can participate in the open events, if they decide so)
  • Juniors (under 19 years) - no weight categories for this group
  • Masters (40–55)
  • Veterans (56+)

Teams 2 women, 2 men - no need to be at the same location.

ELIGIBILITY Proof of performance may be required for prize eligibility (video) - we might contact you during the competition to plan ahead. Proof of weight may be required for lightweight category.

REFUNDS We are not able to provide refunds if you register and are not able to participate. In exceptional cases, we are happy to use your entry for another competition we will organise in the future (only possible if you withdraw before the competition starts).